Request for Sealed Bids for Mechanic

Warren Township is currently seeking bids for a mechanic. All sealed bids are due by Monday, August 2 , and should be marked “MECHANIC SEALED BID”.

Warren Township, Franklin County located at 11637 Little Cove Road Mercersburg, PA 17236 is currently seeking sealed bids for a licensed mechanic to work on all township vehicles, including an F450 plow truck and an F550 plow truck. Work will include all regular maintenance as well as emergency repairs, as needed, through the 2022 calendar year. Please be advised that due to the nature of the equipment, repairs may need to be made off hours.
The sealed bids will be received by Madalyn Lander, Township Secretary. They should be clearly marked “MECHANIC SEALED BID” and sent to 11637 Little Cove Road, Mercersburg, PA 17236 by no later than Monday, August 2, where they will be opened during the Warren Township’s regularly scheduled monthly supervisor meeting at 7:00 pm and read in front of the attending public.
Bids must be submitted on Warren Township supplied documents that can be obtained by calling Madalyn Lander at 717-479-8458 or emailing Mrs. Lander at The bidding process is mainly focusing on the hourly labor rate for repairs. All questions may be directed to Mrs. Lander at the above contact information.
Warren Township reserves the right to accept or reject all bids, in whole or in part.