Below are Warren Township’s Ordinances.
Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (2004)
The Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO), passed in 2004, regulates any subdivisions, or land development within the township. For more information on the SALDO, the full SALDO can be downloaded below.
Uniform Construction Code (2020)
The Uniform Construction Code (UCC), enacted in 2020, is a standard Pennsylvania code that regulates building within the township, including giving the township the authority to issue land use and building permits, and require inspections of certain types of buildings. A copy of the UCC Ordinance can be found below.
Requirement for Permits for Driveways Connecting to Township Roads (2020)
The Ordinance for Requiring Permits for Connection to Township Roads, enacted in 2020, regulates any driveway connecting to township roads, including authorizing the township to issue permits, inspect and regulate said driveways. A copy of the ordinance can be found below.
Ordinance to Establish Supervisor’s Compensation (2021)
The Ordinance to Establish Supervisor’s Compensation, enacted in 2021 outlines the compensation for Warren Township Supervisors per Second Class Township Code. A copy of the ordinance may be found below.
Motor Vehicle Weight Limitation and Bonding Ordinance of Warren Township (2022)
The Motor Vehicle Weight Limitation and Bonding Ordinance of Warren Township, enacted in 2022, imposes restrictions on the weight of vehicles operated upon certain township roads, providing for the issuance of permits and the posting of security for the movement of vehicles of a weight in excess of restrictions, and prescribing penalties for violations. A copy of the ordinance can be found below.
Ordinance to Establish Fees for Tax Collection (2022)
The Ordinance to Establish Fees for Tax Collection, enacted in 2022, is an ordinance of the Township of Warren establishing fees which may be charged by the Warren Township Tax Collector for any requests for certifications of payment status or duplicate bills, as well as, fees regarding returned checks. A copy of the ordinance can be found below.
Open Burning Ordinance (2023)
The Open Burning Ordinance, enacted in 2023 provides guidance and limitations on open burning within Warren Township during periods of dry weather conditions when such burning may be hazardous to the health, welfare, safety and property of the citizens of Warren Township. A copy of the ordinance may be found below.